Thursday, December 15, 2011

Samsung SUR40 For Microsoft Surface

I've been following Microsoft's Surface technology for many years now, in the hopes that it'll someday be ready to be unleashed to regular consumers like me.  Because what this thing will do to shift the media consumption and searching habits of the average American household will be unprecedented. This newest iteration of Surface technology comes courtesy of a joint venture between Samsung and Microsoft.  The 40 inch SUR40 is a thin tabletop computer that "sees" and responds to whatever is placed on it.  The table's LCD pixels emits an infrared beam that reflects off an object back to a sensor.  The sensor picks out shapes and large text such as product names and numbers.  Once the "sensed" object is identified, the SUR40 displays related YouTube videos and other product information.  Think of it as visual search vs. the old fashioned way of, you know, typing and searching for stuff.

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