Friday, March 31, 2006

[travel] layang layang island resort

A good friend of mine recently got back from a dive trip at the Layang Layang Island Resort in the South China Sea. To say this 9 square mile island/coral reef is remote is a bit of an understatement. Layang Layang lies some 200 miles off the most northern tip of Borneo's Sabah. Pretty much the only way to get there is to take one of those "questionable" twin engine propeller flights which lands on a little strip of land. According to one diver's report, you'll be greeted by the "caustic smell of guano which assaults your senses & scours your nasal passages with its acrid ammonia". Ok, so it's not exactly your relaxing spa getaway kind of place - Layang Layang was made for the serious diver. I'm no diver myself but my dive enthusiast buddy claims Layang Layang has been the best dive spot he's been to so far, despite the bird shit problem.

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