Sunday, April 12, 2009

[food + web] chubby hubby blog

I absolutely love, love, LOVE this blog. Singapore-based Aun Koh (the Chubby Hubby) writes about his food encounters throughout Southeast Asia and beyond - often times with his wife - whom he lovingly refers to as "S." If you're thinking it must be difficult to get any attention when you're blogging out of a tiny little city state somewhere near the South China Sea, think again. Chubby Hubby was nominated for the world's best urban food blog in the 2005 Urban Blogging Awards. What sets CH apart is the deliciously fantastic food photography that Koh features using his Nikon D70 and D200 cameras. I often times find myself staring at the pictures and drooling, hoping to get a taste of some of the tasty grub Koh photographs. Luckily CH posts plenty of recipes, including the really simple Thai Chicken with Cashews pictured here. Gotta go, my stomach's growling now...

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